Population Diet
What is the quality of the diet of different populations? In order to assess the impact of food environments on population diets, it is necessary to monitor population diet quality between countries and over time. A step-wise INFORMAS framework is proposed for monitoring population diet quality:
- In the proposed ‘minimal’ approach, national trends of food and energy availability can be explored using FBaS.
- In the ‘expanded’ and ‘optimal’ approaches, the dietary share of ultra-processed products is measured as an indicator of energy-dense, nutrient-poor diets using HBES and food intake surveys, respectively.
For the Module Overview video describing protocols, methodological developments, and common FAQs, please follow the link here
Professor Carlos A. Monteiro (Coordinator)
Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Email: carlosam@usp.br
Dr. Jean-Claude Moubarac
Adjunct Professor, Department of nutrition, Faculty of Medecine
Université de Montréal, Canada
Email: Jean-Claude Moubarac
Dr. Maria Laura da Costa Louzada
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Email: Maria Laura Louzada
Monitoring and benchmarking population diet quality globally: a step-wise approach (pages 135–149) S. Vandevijvere, C. Monteiro, S. M. Krebs-Smith, A. Lee, B. Swinburn, B. Kelly, B. Neal, W. Snowdon, G. Sacks and INFORMAS The INFORMAS paper is available online at: here