Costa Rica

INFORMAS in Costa Rica is coordinated by Dr. Melissa L. Jensen (School of Nutrition, University of Costa Rica -UCR) and MSc. Adriana Blanco (Institute of Research and Teaching in Nutrition and Health – INCIENSA).

In the past, we have conducted work related to the following modules: Food Composition, Food Labelling, Food Promotion, Food Prices, Food Retail and Food Provision. These efforts have been possible thanks to previous and ongoing work at INCIENSA, as well as a partnership that developed in 2015 between the School of Public Health (UCR), the School of Nutrition (UCR), the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) and INCIENSA.

Dr. Melissa Jensen Madrigal

Professor and Researcher

Email: Melissa Jensen

MSc. Adriana Blanco-Metzler

Researcher in Food Science and Nutrition.

Project Leader- Scaling-up and evaluating salt reduction policies and programs in Latin American Countries.

Unit of Health and Nutrition of the Costa Rican Institute of Research and Teaching in Nutrition and Health (INCIENSA), Tres Ríos, Costa Rica, Centroamérica

Phone: (506) 2279-9911 Ext. 170 


Dr. Carolina Santamaria Ulloa

Professor and Researcher

Email: Carolina Santamaria

Dr. Karolina Sánchez Alán

Professor and Researcher

Email: Karolina Sanchez

MSc. Cindy Hidalgo Víquez

Professor and Researcher

Email: Cindy Hidalgo