Costa Rica
INFORMAS in Costa Rica is coordinated by Dr. Melissa L. Jensen (School of Nutrition, University of Costa Rica -UCR) and MSc. Adriana Blanco (Institute of Research and Teaching in Nutrition and Health – INCIENSA).
In the past, we have conducted work related to the following modules: Food Composition, Food Labelling, Food Promotion, Food Prices, Food Retail and Food Provision. These efforts have been possible thanks to previous and ongoing work at INCIENSA, as well as a partnership that developed in 2015 between the School of Public Health (UCR), the School of Nutrition (UCR), the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP) and INCIENSA.
- People Involved
- Outputs Table
- Outputs (publications, reports, conference presentations)
- Acknowledgements/Funders
Dr. Melissa Jensen Madrigal
Professor and Researcher
Email: Melissa Jensen
MSc. Adriana Blanco-Metzler
Researcher in Food Science and Nutrition.
Project Leader- Scaling-up and evaluating salt reduction policies and programs in Latin American Countries.
Unit of Health and Nutrition of the Costa Rican Institute of Research and Teaching in Nutrition and Health (INCIENSA), Tres Ríos, Costa Rica, Centroamérica
Phone: (506) 2279-9911 Ext. 170
Dr. Carolina Santamaria Ulloa
Professor and Researcher
Email: Carolina Santamaria
Dr. Karolina Sánchez Alán
Professor and Researcher
Email: Karolina Sanchez
MSc. Cindy Hidalgo Víquez
Professor and Researcher
Email: Cindy Hidalgo
Module | Status (as of March 2025) |
Food Labelling |
Food Composition |
Food EPI |
Food Prices |
Food Promotion |
Private Sector | |
Food Retail | |
Food Provision | |
Food Trade & Investment |
Publications and conference presentations (with INFORMAS protocols)
- Jensen, M. L., Gamboa-Gamboa, T., Vega-Solano, J., Madriz-Morales, K., & Blanco-Metzler, A. (2024). Nutrition quality of packaged food and beverages in Costa Rica: an input for crafting harmonious school food environment policies. Revista Chilena de Nutrición, 51(5), 351-363.
- Gamboa-Gamboa T, Blanco-Metzler A, Vandevijvere S, Ramirez-Zea M, Kroker-Lobos MF. Nutritional Content According to the Presence of Front of Package Marketing Strategies: The Case of Ultra-Processed Snack Food Products Purchased in Costa Rica. Nutrients. 2019 Nov 12;11(11):2738. doi: 10.3390/nu11112738. PMID: 31726678; PMCID: PMC6893602.
- Zamora-Corrales, I., Jensen, M., Vandevijvere, S., Ramírez-Zea, M., & Kroker-Lobos, M. (2019). Television food and beverage marketing to children in Costa Rica: Current state and policy implications. Public Health Nutrition, 22(13), 2509-2520. doi:10.1017/S1368980019000776
- Bridget, K et al. (2019). Global benchmarking of children’s exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages across 22 countries. Obesity Reviews; 1-13. doi. 10.1111/obr.12840
- Gamboa T, Blanco-Metzler A, Vandevijvere S, Ramirez-Zea, Kroker-Lobos MF. Claims and promotional strategies declared on front-of-pack processed and ultra-processed products related with children and adolescents’ obesity in Costa Rica. Poster presentation American Society of Nutrition, Experimental Biology, Chicago, April 2017.
- Gamboa T, Blanco-Metzler A, Vandevijvere S, Ramirez-Zea, Kroker-Lobos MF. Claims and promotional strategies declared on front-of-pack processed and ultra-processed products related with children and adolescents’ obesity in Costa Rica. Manuscript in preparation.
Publications and conference presentations (without INFORMAS protocols)
- Tiscornia MV, Heredia-Blonval K, Allemandi L, Blanco-Metzler A, Ponce M, Montero-Campos MA, Castronuvo L, Schoj V. Sugar Content in Non-Alcoholic Beverages Marketed in Argentina and Costa Rica. Revista Argent Salud Pública, 2017; 8 (30): 20-25.
- Blanco A; Montero MA; Heredia K; Cubillo N; Benavides K; Alfaro V; Núñez, H; Legetic, B; L’Abbe, M. Experiences in Costa Rica implementing a comprehensive program for salt reduction. In: II World Nutrition Conference. Cape Town, South Africa. August 30-September 2, 2016.
- Blanco-Metzler A, Montero-Campos MA; Heredia-Blonval K; Legetic B; Grajeada R; L’Abbe M. Progresses and plans of the Program to Reduce Salt/ Sodium Intake in the Population of Costa Rica. In: II World Nutrition Conference. Cape Town, South Africa. August 30-September 2, 2016.
- Blanco-Metzler A, Heredia-Blonval K, Dunford E, Montero-Campos MA. Adaptation of smartphone technology to collect and examine the nutritional composition of processed foods in Costa Rica. 10th International Food Data Conference, Granada, Spain. September 2013.
- Montero Campos MA, Blanco-Metzler A, Chan Chan V, Heredia-Blonval K. Verification of sodium content in breads and snacks in Costa Rica. 10th International Food Data Conference, Granada, Spain. September 2013.
- Heredia-Blonval K, Blanco-Metzler A, Dunford E, Montero-Campos MA. Salt content in products of the most popular fast-food chains visited by families in Costa Rica. 10th International Food Data Conference, Granada, Spain. September 2013.
- Report presented to Ministry of Health and Advisers of Costa Rica on “Analysis of the situation of the supply and acquisition of non-alcoholic sweetened beverages in households in Costa Rica”. Tres Ríos, Costa Rica. February 15, 2015. (Adriana Blanco Katrina Heredia, and María de los Ángeles Montero).
- Montero- Campos M, Blanco-Metzler A, Chan-Chan V. 2015 Sodium in breads and snacks of high consumption in Costa Rica. Basal content and verification of nutritional labeling. Rev Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición (ALAN) 65(1): 36-43.
- Blanco-Metzler A, de Pablo S, Samman N, Salazar de Ariza J, Masson L, de Núñez L y Wenzel de Menezes, E. LATINFOODS activities and challenges during the period of 2009-2012. Revista Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición Volumen 64, No 3, 2014.
- Report presented to Ministry of Health and Advisers of Costa Rica on “Situation of nutrition labeling in Costa Rica”. Tres Ríos, Costa Rica. November 12, 2014. (Adriana Blanco, Katrina Heredia, Adrián Fatjó and MA Montero).
- Heredia-Blonval K, Blanco-Metzler A, Montero-Campos M, Dunford E. The salt content of products from popular fast-food chains in Costa Rica. Appetite 83: 173-177, 2014.
- Blanco-Metzler A by The Food Monitoring Group. 2013. Progress with a global branded food composition database. Food Chemistry, 140 (3): 451–457.
- Jiménez J., Gómez G., Pérez A. and Blanco-Metzler A. 2012. Estimation of glycemic index of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) cooked fruits and chips, and pitahaya (Hylocereus spp.) pulp. ALAN, 62 (3):242-248.
- Blanco-Metzler A, Montero-Campos MA, Núñez-Rivas H, Gamboa-Cerda C, Sánchez G. Avances en la reducción del consumo de sal y sodio en Costa Rica. Rev Panam Salud Publica [online]. 2012, 32 (4): 316-320.
- Blanco-Metzler A by FAO/INFOODS. 2012. FAO/INFOODS Guidelines for Checking Food Composition Data prior to the Publication of a User Table/Database-Version 1.0. FAO, Rome Available on line:
- Blanco-Metzler A by The Food Monitoring Group. 2012. International collaborative project to compare and track the nutritional composition of fast foods. BMC Public Health, 12:559.
- Dunford E, Webster J, Blanco A, Wolmarans P, L’Abbe M, Ni Mhurchu C, Yan L, Czernichow S, MacGregor G, Van Rossum C, Westenbrink S, Snowdon S, de Núñez L, Shoj V, Hassell T, Wenzel de Menezes E, Ortiz J, Salazar de Ariza J, Barquera S, Reyes Garcia M, Neal B. Protocol for an international collaborative project to compare and monitor the nutritional composition of processed foods. Europ. J. of Cardiov. Prevention & Rehabilitation. Publicado en línea 4-10-2011, doi: 10.1177/17418267114257771.
- Blanco-Metzler A, Roselló-Araya M, Núñez-Rivas HP. 2011. Situación basal de la información nutricional declarada en las etiquetas de los alimentos comercializados en Costa Rica. Revista Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición, 61 (1): 87-95.
- International Development Research Centre, Canada
- School of Public Health, Universidad de Costa Rica