INFORMAS in Brazil is coordinated by Dr Ana Paula Bortoletto Martins (IDEC – Brazilian Institute for Consumers Defense). We are conducting six modules: food composition, food labelling, food promotion, food prices, private sector and public sector policies (food EPI). The first module is being conducted by Dr Ana Clara Duran, researcher from the Center for Epidemiological Studies in Health and Nutrition/University of São Paulo (Nupens/USP). The food labelling module was included in a research project coordinated by IDEC in collaboration with Nupens/USP. The food promotion module is coordinated by IDEC and is being conducted together with Dr Rafael Claro and Dr Paula Horta’s team from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). Food prices module is being conducted by Dr Rafael Claro from UFMG. The private sector module is being conducted by Dr. Aline Mariath, who has just completed her PhD at the School of Public Health at USP (FSP/USP). And the food EPI module is being conducted by Dr Elisabetta Recine from the University of Brasília (UnB), Dr Andréa Sugai from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Dr Ana Carolina Feldenheimer from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), and Dr Paulo Castro from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
Food composition and food labelling data collection and data entry conducted together in supermarkets of São Paulo and Salvador are now completed. We published three scientific papers regarding trans fat, health and nutrition claims, and nutrient profile modules according to the INFORMAS classification system. A paper about the content of sodium in ultra-processed foods (UPP) and voluntary agreements is in press; a paper about whole grains, one regarding promotional strategies on labels, and two papers about sweeteners in UPP are under review; and a paper regarding the use of ingredients in UPP is being developed.
The first round of food promotion data collection ended in April 2018, based on the recording during eight days of the three most popular channels of the Brazilian open TV (432 hours of recording). Based on this dataset, we developed five papers: the description of all the food ads based on the INFORMAS classification system (published), food ads targeted at children (in press), persuasive strategies in food ads (published), nutrient profile of the foods and beverages advertised on Brazilian TV (published), and persuasive strategies in TV commercials and social media (under review). In April 2019, we ran the second round of the data collection of TV food and beverage advertisements considering free-to-air and pay-per-view channels, and the third round was in September 2019 for open TV only. In June 2020, the fourth round was carried out for free-to-air and pay-per-view channels. The data of the second and third rounds are being evaluated and of the final round is being entered. We plan to develop a longitudinal analysis of the four rounds of data collection and a content analysis of food advertising on Brazilian TV during the covid-19 pandemic.
The food prices data collection and data entry are finished. We published two scientific papers in 2019 and are redoing the modelling analysis for healthy and unhealthy food prices considering the covid-19 pandemic.
Research on the private sector module is being conducted by Aline Mariath. BIA Obesity was started in February 2017 and preliminary results on restaurants and supermarkets were presented in poster format in Guadalajara, Mexico, in November 2018 (SLAN). Due to lack of personnel and Aline’s research on corporate political activity for her PhD thesis, BIA Obesity had to be suspended. She has just completed her PhD and the resulting papers are expected to start being published in the near future. We also plan to resume data collection for BIA Obesity.
The food EPI module was being conducted by a researcher from the UK, who finished the first draft about food and nutrition security policies in 2016, and the other steps proposed in the protocol were not carried out. In 2018, the conduct of this module changed, and now the Brazilian researchers from UnB, UFG, UERJ and UFRJ are in charge. The project has funding from CNPq. The team finished the application of the questionnaire to compare national actions and best practices. The information from this data collection is being organized to start four online validation workshops, that will happen in May and June 2021.
- People Involved
- Outputs Table
- Outputs (publications, reports, conference presentations)
- Acknowledgements/Funders
Ana Paula Bortoletto Martins
Technical consultant, Program of Health and Sustainable Diets & Post-doc researcher
Brazilian Institute for Consumers Defense (IDEC) & Center for Epidemiological Studies in Health and Nutrition/University of São Paulo (Nupens/USP)
Phone: +55 11 3874-2163
Email: Ana Paula Bortletto Martins
aís Amaral Mais
Researcher in food and nutrition
Brazilian Institute for Consumers Defense – Idec
Phone: +55 11 3874-2165
Email: Laís Amaral Mais
Teresa Donato Liporace
Manager of Policies and Programs
Brazilian Institute for Consumers Defense – Idec
Phone: +55 21 98620-0120
Email: Teresa Donato Liporace
Professor Carlos Augusto Monteiro
Professor and researcher in nutrition and public health School of Public Health, University of São Paulo
Head of the Center for Epidemiological Studies in Health and Nutrition – NUPENS/USP Email: Prof Carlos Augusto Monteiro
Ana Carolina Feldenheimer da Silva
Professor and researcher
State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ
Phone: +55 21 982778379
E-mail: Ana Carolina Feldenheimer da Silva
Aline Marath
Nutritionist and PhD student
Brazilian Chamber of Deputies and University of São Paulo – USP
E-mail: Aline Mariath
Ana Clara da Fonseca Leitão Duran
Center for Epidemiological Studies in Health and Nutrition/University of São Paulo – Nupens/USP
University of Campinas – UNICAMP
Email: Ana Clara da Fonseca Leitão Duran
Andrea Sugai
Professor and researcher
Federal University of Goiás – UFG
Phone: +55 61 98366.6900
Email: Andrea Sugai
Elisabetta Recine
Professor and researcher
University of Brasília – UnB
Phone: +55 61 3107-0090
Email: Elisabetta Recine
Rafael Moreira Claro
Professor and researcher at the Department of Nutrition
Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG
Email: Rafael Moreira Ciaro
Patricia Chaves Gentil
Consultant in food and nutrition
Brazilian Institute for Consumers Defence -Idec
Email: Patricia Chaves Gentil
Paula Martins Horta
Professor and researcher
Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG
Email: Paula Martins Horta
Paulo Cesar Castro Junior
Professor and researcher
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ
Email: Paulo Cesar Castro Junior
Gabriela L. da Cruz
PhD Candidate at the School of Public Health of the University of São Paulo and PhD visiting scholar at the University of Auckland. Current research: Environmental impact, cost, and nutritional quality of the traditional Brazilian diet and the evaluation of the household food acquisition trends in New Zealand, according to the NOVA system.
Email: Gabriela L. da Cruz
Module | Status (as of April 2021) |
Food Composition |
Food Labelling |
Food Promotion |
Food Prices |
Private Sector |
Food EPI |
Food Retail | |
Food Provision | |
Food Trade & Investment |
Outputs (publications, reports, conference presentations)
- Poster “Comparison of nutrient profiling systems for implementing new front-of-package nutrition labeling in Brazil” presented at SLAN 2018.
- Scientific paper “Trans fat labelling information on Brazilian packaged foods” published in Nutrients in September 2019.
- Scientific paper “Conflicting messages on food and beverage packages: front-of-package nutritional labeling, health and nutrition claims in Brazil” published in Nutrients in December 2019.
- Scientific paper “Role of different nutrient profiling models in identifying targeted foods for front-of-package food labelling in Brazil” published in Public Health Nutrition in June 2020.
- Scientific paper “Consumer perceptions of non-caloric sweeteners and the content of caloric and non-caloric sweeteners in ultra-processed products in Brazil” submitted to Ciência & Saúde Coletiva in August 2020.
- Scientific paper “Low calorie sweeteners in the Brazilian packaged food supply: are they visible to consumers?” submitted to the Journal of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in September 2020.
- Scientific paper “Nutritional profile and the use of “whole grains” claims in packaged food in Brazil“ submitted to BMC Public Health in December 2020.
- Scientific paper “Adesão aos acordos voluntários de redução de sódio no Brasil” Accepted for publication in Ciência & Saúde Coletiva in January 2021 (in press).
- Scientific paper “Promotion of ultra-processed foods in Brazil: combined use of claims and labelling promotional features” submitted to Preventive Medicine in March 2021.
- Poster “Food-related advertisements on Brazilian television” presented at SLAN 2018.
- Poster “Ultra-processed food products and fast food restaurant advertisements on Brazilian television” presented at SLAN 2018.
- Oral presentation “Abusividade da publicidade de alimentos na televisão aberta brasileira” at CONAN 2019 (awarded as one of the best oral presentations).
- Oral presentation “Estratégias de marketing da publicidade de alimentos na televisão aberta brasileira” at CONAN 2019.
- Oral presentation “Qualidade nutricional de alimentos e bebidas não alcoólicas publicizados nos três principais canais da televisão brasileira” at CONAN 2019.
- Scientific paper “Nutritional quality of foods and non-alcoholic beverages advertised on Brazilian television” accepted in BMC Public Health in March 2020.
- Oral presentation “Persuasive and abusive strategies directed to children on food and beverage advertising” at WPHNC 2020 (March/April).
- Poster “Marketing of food products high in sodium on Brazilian free-to-air television” at WPHNC 2020 (March/April).
- Oral presentation “Big Food/Soda’s role in promoting unhealthy food advertising on Brazilian television” at WPHNC 2020 (March/April).
- Scientific paper “Ultra-processed food and beverage advertising on Brazilian television by INFORMAS benchmark” published in Public Health Nutrition in May 2020.
- Scientific paper “Analysing persuasive marketing of ultra-processed foods on Brazilian television” published in the International Journal of Public Health in September 2020.
- Scientific paper “Use of persuasive marketing strategies in food advertising on television and on social media in Brazil” in Preventive Medicine Reports in January 2021.
- Scientific paper “Abusive advertising of ultra-processed food and drink products on Brazilian television” accepted for publication in Health Promotion International in February 2021.
- Scientific paper “Association between the price of ultra-processed foods and obesity in Brazil” published in Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases in December 2019.
- Scientific paper “What to expect from the price of healthy and unhealthy foods 6 over time? The case from Brazil” published in Public Health Nutrition in January 2020.
- Scientific paper “Impact of the Brazilian Dietary Guidelines on the cost of diet: an analysis by linear programing” accepted for publication in Cadernos de Saúde Pública (in press).
- Poster “Commitments and disclosure practices of supermarkets in Brazil: results from INFORMAS’ BIA-Obesity Tool” presented at SLAN 2018.
- Poster “Commitments and disclosure practices of quick service restaurants in Brazil: results from INFORMAS’ BIA-Obesity Tool” presented at SLAN 2018.
- Scientific paper “Ultra-processed food industry regulation for tackling obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases in the Brazilian legislature: many proposals, no enactment” published in Public Health Nutrition in August 2020.
- Scientific paper “Ultraprocessed food and drink industries operating as an interest group” published in Revista de Saúde Pública in November 2020.
- Scientific paper “Sugary drinks taxation: industry’s lobbying strategies, practices, and arguments in the Brazilian legislature” published in Public Health Nutrition in April 2021.
- Scientific paper “Decade of Action on Nutrition and sugary drinks taxation in Brazil: where are we?” accepted for publication in Cadernos de Saúde Pública (in press).
- The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is the funder for Food Labelling and Food Promotion modules. Bloomberg Philanthropies is also a funder for the Food Labelling module and Food Composition modules.
- The National Council of Scientific and Technological Development. (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq) is the funder for the food EPI module.
- The Food prices and Private Sector Module have no Funder.