
 INFORMAS in Thailand

Food provision, Food retail, Food labelling, Food Composition, Food trade and Investment, Food Promotion, and Food price modules are conducted by a group of researchers from the International Health Policy Program (IHPP).

Responsible persons are as follows;

  • Ms Suladda Pongutta: Food provision, Food retail, Food labelling, Food Composition
  • Dr Chutima Akaleephan: Food trade and Investment
  • Ms Nongnuch Jaichuen: Food Promotion
  • Ms Watinee Khunpeuk: Food price

INFORMAS has been fully implemented in Thailand with all 9 modules as part of the most comprehensive survey of the healthiness of food environments. Thai team has engaged potential authorities, both health and non-health sectors, who could be responsible for long-term monitoring. In addition, we have involved experts and non-governmental sectors to actively participate and support the initiative including technical experts from leading universities, independent research institutions, and a non-profit funding agency.

Data collection of all modules mentioned above was completed in 2015 and all reports (except Food trade and Investment) were submitted to the funder and stakeholders, and published in 2016. Some of the findings (Food labelling, Food Composition and Food Marketing) have been submitted to peer-review journals and is under review.

Ms Suladda PonguttaMs Suladda Pongutta

Manager and researcher

Food and Nutrition Policy for Health Promotion Program,    International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health Thailand Phone: +662 5902308, mobile +668 6973 6812 Email:

Dr Chutima AkaleephanDr Chutima Akaleephan

Senior researcher

International Trade and Health Program,    International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health Thailand Phone: +662 5902378, mobile +668 1443 1766 Email:

Ms Nongnuch JaichuenMs Nongnuch Jindarattanaporn

Institute for Population and Social Research

Mahidol University

Phone: mobile +66 81 828 1560


Ms Watinee KunpeukMs Watinee Kunpeuk


Food and Nutrition Policy for Health Promotion Program,    International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health Thailand Phone: +662 5902308 mobile +668 3008 4578 Email:

Outputs Table


Status (as of December 2018)


Food provision and Food retail

Report published


Food labelling and Food Composition

Report published,  Manuscript submitted


Food trade and Investment

Writing up report  
Food Promotion Report published, Manuscript submitted 2
Food prices Report published 1
  1. S.Pongutta, P. Chongwatpol, P, Tantayapirak & S. Vandevijvere. (2018). Declaration of nutrition information on and nutritional quality of Thai ready-to eat packaged food products. Public health Nutrition, 21(8), 1409-1417.
  2. Jaichuen, N., Vandevijvere, S., Kelly, B., Vongmongkol, V., Phulkerd, S.,  & Tangcharoensathien, V. (2018).  BMC Public Health (2018). Unhealthy food and non-alcoholic beverage advertising on children’s, youth and family free-to-air and digital television programmes in Thailand. Public Health. 

  • Food and Nutrition Policy for Health Promotion Program
  • International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health of Thailand
  • Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health of Thailand
  • National Electronics and Computer Technology Center
  • Thai Health Promotion Foundation
  • Mahidol University
  • Prince of Songkla University
  • Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University

Public and private sector policy modules

Public and private sector policy modules are parts of the broader INFORMAS project in Thailand, which includes monitoring of key characteristics of food environments and monitoring of private sector policies and actions. The policy modules are run by Ms Sirinya Phulkerd, Ms Nongnuch Jaichuen and Ms Nisachol Cetthakrikul.

The Thailand policy team involved Thai experts and stakeholders in food and nutrition policy and public health-related areas from both governmental and non-governmental sectors in the policy modules. Government officials involved were from various government agencies and ministries. The experts and stakeholders from non-governmental sector include university professors, lecturers and senior researchers at major Thai universities, researchers at independent research institutions, and representatives of non-profit governmental organisations.

The data collection and analysis for Food-EPI and assessment of private-sector policies and practices including corporate political activities of food industry were completed during 2016. The final reports were submitted to the funders. The policy team currently disseminates the results through journal articles and policy briefs.


  • The manuscript on ‘Corporate political activity of major food companies in Thailand: an assessment and policy recommendations (by Nongnuch Jaichuen, Sirinya Phulkerd, Nisachol Certthkrikul, Gary Sacks, Viroj Tangcharoensathien)’ has been accepted for publication in Globalization and Health. It is now in publication process.

Ms Sirinya PhulkerdMs Sirinya Phulkerd

Institute for Population and Social Research

Mahidol University

Phone: +66 2 441 0201 4 ext. 518


Ms Nongnuch JaichuenMs Nongnuch Jindarattanaporn

Institute for Population and Social Research

Mahidol University

Phone: mobile +66 81 828 1560


Ms Nisachol CetthakrikulMs Nisachol Cetthakrikul

Researcher in breastfeeding policy

International Health Policy Program

Ministry of Public Health Thailand

Phone: +66 2 590 2376, mobile +66 (0) 81 570 7703


Module Status (as at February 2020) Outputs
Public Sector (Food EPI) Outputs published 1,2
Private Sector BIA-Obesity paper published 4,5
Food retail Led by Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University


Cetthakriku, N., Phulkerd, S., Jaichuen, N., Sacks, G., & Tangcharoensathien, V. (2019). Assessment of the stated policies of prominent food companies related to obesity and non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention in Thailand. Globalization and Health, 15(12), 1-10.

  1. Phulkerd S, Vandevijvere S, Lawrence M, Tangcharoensathien V, Sacks G. Level of implementation of best practice policies for creating healthy food environments: assessment by state and non-state actors in Thailand. Public Health Nutr. 2017 Feb;20(3):381-390.
  2. Phulkerd S, Tangcharoensathien V. Policy Brief. Assessing Thai Government’s Performance in Tackling Obesity and Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs): Level of Implementation of Food Environment Policy & Major Recommendations (now available in English; Thai version will be released soon). August 2017
  3. Phulkerd S, Jaichuen N, Cetthakrikul N, Tangcharoensathien V. Report on private sector on title “Assessment of food industry policies and practices to create healthy food environments for preventing obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases in Thailand.”. (now available in English on IHPP website). December 2016.
  4. Jaichuen N, Phulkerd S, Cetthakrikul N, Sacks G, Tangcharoensathien V. Corporate political activity of major food companies in Thailand: an assessment and policy recommendations. Globalization and Health Journal (under review)


  • Food and Nutrition Policy for Health Promotion Program
  • International Health Policy Program, Ministry of Public Health Thailand
  • Thai Health Promotion Foundation
  • World Health Organization Thailand
  • Deakin University Postgraduate Research Scholarship