Using INFORMAS Protocols / Terms and Agreements
Below are the INFORMAS protocols to download. These protocols are free to use, within our terms and conditions. Some protocols are still under development – contact us if you would like more information.
You may use, modify and reproduce the protocol, but the work that results from using the INFORMAS resources remains available to the INFORMAS group and falls under the same ‘copyleft’ principles as the original protocol (i.e., you cannot claim copyright on protocols you develop based on INFORMAS resources).
You don’t have to share the whole work that results from using the INFORMAS resources, but are expected to share:
- Any modifications or updates you make to the protocol (e.g., updates for your own country)
- The final (cleaned) data as collected using the protocol.
Please read the terms and conditions regarding the use of the protocols. You must complete and return this agreement if you are planning on using and/or adapting the protocol.
- BIA Obesity Tool Protocol and Scoring
- Overview of scoring: Food & Beverage Manufacturers
- Overview of scoring: Quick Service Restaurants
- Overview of scoring: Supermarkets
Phase 2: Action on commitments (protocol pending)
Phase 3: Corporate political activity
Food Labelling Module
Food Marketing Module
- Sports Sponsorship (contact INFORMAS for protocol)
- Food marketing: Television
Food Retail Module
Watch this space for a new list of tools and resources to help with implementing the public sector policies (Food-EPI) module.
Watch this space for a new list of tools and resources to help with implementing the private sector policies and actions (BIA-Obesity) module.
The DIETCOST programme has been developed, using Python, to model the cost of healthy and current, less healthy population diets using combinations of a list of commonly consumed foods, a set of min and max quantity/serves constraints for each, and specified food group and nutrient intakes based on dietary guidelines (healthy diets) and nutrition survey data (current diets for different population groups). The programme has been applied in New Zealand as a case study for the total population, specific ethnic population groups and changes in cost over time. The programme is available for other research groups and is supported by a DIETCOST manual. Let us know if you are interested in using the programme or require support. Please contact Stefanie Vandevijvere: